Our Mission

CBD Products is underpinned by one thing: The quality of the products we sell.

However, along with giving our customers the best products, we are also committed to empowering you to make the right choice when it comes to understanding how the product is manufactured and how their buying choices support an environmentally friendly and sustainable industry.

What's Important to us



Because we know that quality equals effectiveness

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Because great quality at the source means a great quality product

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Because only products that do what they say are good enough

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Because sustainable products are created by producers who care

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Meet the Founder

Home-cooked, to Homegrown

As the son of a passionate Sicilian Restaurateur, Anthony Tribunella grew up learning three very valuable lessons that remain firmly rooted with him today “Put quality first, price second and always take care of the customers and your employees.”

Growing up in a large Italian family, whose life revolved around the family business meant only one thing, that working in a restaurant would become both his education and his apprenticeship. It served him well, but after moving to California in 2011, CBD soon became his passion, mainly because the 2 industries were so very similar.

The Healthcare Movement of our Generation

I believe that Cannabinoids should be a part of our daily lives and that everyone deserves access to information to make the right decision about the best CBD products for them.

Via CBD Products I want to sell the finest quality products and tell the story of Cannabinoids from the ground up. From the growers and producers who make the industry so dynamic to those who benefit from consuming CBD and experiencing its true impact. I want to share everything I can about this exciting industry with you.

Our understanding of CBD is in its relative infancy, but through continuing research and the institutions that are working hard to expand cannabinoid use around the world, you can rest assured that myself and CBD Products Inc., will remain at the forefront of all things CBD.